On Writing

On Writing


2 min read

This is my twenty-first post. So in a sense, my blog is all grown up now. (One day we'll laugh at the naivety of this statement).

Truthfully, I don't feel like I've learned as much about what people want from this as I have with posting to YouTube.

There are a handful of analytics on Hashnode, but our society has embraced the audio/visual format of media, leaving writing a little less attention.

And yet, for most creators, strong writing is a core piece to the making of an excellent video.

Are they hip or are they losers?

Actors are hip, Directors are revered, and writers are losers. Challenge that statement, but I will ask you to state how often actors or directors find themselves in a position where they must strike.

If there's a lesson to be gained here then let it be this:

Do what you enjoy and create content around the things you wish.

Social algorithms have told us to niche down and only focus on a narrow set of topics in order to help people understand who you are.

I have always hated this advice. As though people are not intelligent enough to understand a creator as a whole person, rather than only having the ability to perceive them as a brand.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I like to think people are looking for quality rather than narrowness in niche.

And yet, here we are.

Here's my prediction for any content creator:

You will create in total unawareness to the general public for years, and then, something will go viral, the world will love you, and you'll enjoy a season of social awareness.

"Enjoy" may not be the correct word to use, but people without the experience tend to believe they will enjoy it.

That remains to be seen.

How long you can keep the season of popularity going depends upon the newly famous and the attention span of the public.

So if you're going to create in obscurity for years, you may as we talk about the things you like.

To thine own self be true.